
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo Bear Running From Park Ranger Smith

Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo Bear Running From Park Ranger Smith

"Snack sack?"

"A grizzly bear."

"Oh, a grizzly bear," I said, surprised to hear something new right off the bat.

"No, Yogi Bear. That was quick thinking, right?" We'd recently seen the Yogi Bear live-action movie.

"It was!" He's been taking a really long time to come up with ideas so it was refreshing not to have any struggles this morning.

I ran a search and handed him my iPhone. He browsed for a few minutes. "For some reason I really want this one! Can you do it, Dadda?"

"Sure." I really enjoy doing cartoon scenes.

I started with Yogi. Half way through, Victor came over to my side of the table to take a look. "Ooh, people are going to like this one! It's funny, right? Because Yogi is spitting at Mr. Ranger!"


"Daddy, what's that line for? On his tongue. Did you just make a little mistake?"

"Yeah." He doesn't miss anything, I thought.

"That's okay. The kids won't really know."

"Thanks," I said.

He finished his breakfast, brushed his teeth, and came back to me. "You can finish tomorrow, right?" he asked.


"You can finish tomorrow. You can maybe just give me a regular sack and then finish tomorrow."

I was running out of time, but was pretty sure I could get it done. "I've never not finished," I told him.

"Yeah, when you weren't here."

"Okay, but I've never not finished one in the morning. I'll finish." I was determined now. I wrapped things up quickly. We were in a rush to get out the door, but I did finish it.

"It looks exactly like it! He-he. Which is your favorite? Mine is Boo-Boo."

"Yeah, he's excited to have that cupcake!" We both chuckled at the scene as we stepped out the door.

When he came home that afternoon, he told me, "A lot of people laughed at Yogi Bear. It's funny right?!"

"It is!" I assured him.

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