
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How about a vampire in a meadow...

How about a vampire in a meadow...

This is my least favorite of all the drawings. I didn't really have time to do it justice and I just couldn't get into it. A vampire in a meadow? What does that mean? I asked him. His response was, "Yeah, like at Lake Cuyamaca." Sure, a meadow. I get it, but...

I couldn't really find a good base drawing and for some reason most images in Google image search only had the top half of a vampire, not its entire body. I spent so long trying to find a decent reference drawing that I had very little time left to actually draw something. By the time I was done with the vampire (which sort of resembles the vampire from Hotel Transylvania) I had no time left to consider drawing him in a meadow. That's when Victor took over and drew in the meadow himself.

"Maybe I can draw Mavis," he said. He was referring again to the move Hotel Transylvania.

"No," I said firmly. We didn't have the time. I could tell, however, that he was keen on drawing something and I wanted to encourage that. "Less is more," I told him, "how about your draw the moon?"

He drew two moons then started drawing those black marks. "The moon is shooting out lava," he explained.

"Less is more," I reminded him, "less is more."

"Let me add the wind."

"Uh, that's enough."

As we rushed out of the house I pulled the Sharpie away from him and at the last minute remembered that I needed to add his name somewhere. That his name is on the vampire's tie is one of the few things I like about this drawing.

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