
Monday, December 16, 2013


Olaf from Frozen

"What should we do today?"

"I already know! Olaf!"

I expected Olaf to be much easier than yesterday's Elsa, but that's not quite how it turned out. I messed up his eyes on my first try and had to start over. For my second try, I started with his eyes but for some reason that made drawing his head a challenge. I screwed up again on his mouth but was sort of able to fix it. He's cute but a little too stout I'd say. I was nervous when I showed it to Victor, fearing his critiques.

My fears were for naught this time. He looked at it and had nothing but positive things to say, "I like it. It's cute. Olaf's cute. He's very funny."

I nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

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